The Blessed Virgin was overwhelmed with sorrow and love

The Blessed Virgin was overwhelmed with sorrow and love

“When our Lord announced to his Blessed Mother what was going to take place, she besought him, in the most touching terms, to let her die with him.”

“the Blessed Virgin, filled with intense feelings of motherly love, entreated her Son to permit her to die with him”

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“He seized his lance and rode quickly up to the mound on which the Cross was planted, stopped just between the cross of the good thief and that of our Lord, and taking his lance in both hands, thrust it so completely into the right side of Jesus that the point went through the heart, and appeared on the left side. When Cassius drew his lance out of the wound a quantity of blood and water rushed from it, and flowed over his face and body. This species of washing produced effects somewhat similar to the vivifying waters of Baptism: grace and salvation at once entered his soul. He leaped from his horse, threw himself upon his knees, struck his breast, and confessed loudly before all his firm belief in the divinity of Jesus.”

Jesus’ body is lowered into era focuses on Mary in the “Pieta pose” before panning and fading out (this suggests Mary as a co-redeemer)

No precaution had been neglected which could in any way facilitate to her-the Mother of Sorrows-in her deep affliction of soul, the mournful but most sacred duty which she was about to fulfil in regard to the body of her beloved Son

“When the body was taken down it was wrapped in linen from the knees to the waist, and then placed in the arms of the Blessed Virgin, who, overwhelmed with sorrow and love, stretched them forth to receive their precious burden.”

“The Blessed Virgin seated herself upon a large cloth spread on the ground, with her right knee, which was slightly raised, and her back resting against some mantles, rolled together so as to form a species of cushion. The adorable head of Jesus rested upon Mary’s knee, and his body was stretched upon a sheet. And she gazed upon his wounds and fondly embraced his blood-stained cheeks, whilst Magdalen pressed her face upon his feet.”

Note: References are from Emmerich, Anne Catherine. The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ. North Bay Books:El Sobrante, 2003 References originally from challies (Used with Permission)

An article in Christianity Today, titled The Passion of Mel Gibson had the curious subtitle, ” Why evangelicals are cheering a movie with profoundly Catholic sensibilities”. which they write:

“This evangelical enthusiasm for The Passion of the Christ may seem a little surprising, in that the movie was shaped from start to finish by a devout Roman Catholic and by an almost medieval Catholic vision. [Anne Catherine Emmerich]”

Once more, and for the last time, did she hold in her arms the body of her most beloved Son, to whom she had been unable to give any testimony of love during the long hours of his martyrdom

“Like all filmmakers inspired by the Bible, Gibson picks and chooses his lore, guided in part by the lurid visions of 18th-century stigmatic nun Anne Catherine Emmerich. ” (McDonag, Maitland. Death trip. )

“The script is based prient accounts of the gospel, but also draws upon Catholic works including St. Mary of Agreda’s The Mystical City of God and the diaries of St. Anne Catherine Emmerich as collected in the book The Dolorous Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ . This may explain a few extra-biblical elements.” (Plugged In. Movie Review. The Passion of Christ )

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