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like to mix art, creativity and innovative teaching methods with computers. I believe the result is awesome. I am here for the exchange of new ideas, for the dialogue and for the exploration.

Hi Maria,Your introduction caught my attention as your description of you teaching could have been mine as well. I too teach ICT & CS but in the US and in Elementary. Perhaps as the course proceeds we can exchange lesson ideas and teaching strategies. This is my third MOOC that I have taken this past year. I have gain more knowledge and inspiration from these courses then I have ever received from professional development provided by my school district.Sandy

I am a Specialised Learning Leader (a role based around curriculum development) at Hobsonville Point Secondary School. This brand new school – we have been open since February and been in our new building for only 2 weeks – has awesome open learning spaces and a HUGE maker space.

Hi SteveThanks for your reply

Originally from a Social Sciences background, in addition to ‘normal teaching’ I am taking guerrilla geography and robotics during our flexitime and a big project based on ‘future learning technologies’ where the students (and I) will be using Makey Makey, arduino, e-textiles etc.

I have a massive interest in creativity and curiosity in education, it was only natural that I would end up tinkering with technology!

Louis company to help better their business and gain experience

What is a specialised learning leader and what do you do in that role? How do you get a position like that? I am just curious as a great deal of educational positions have different titles these days and I sometimes think I could do them if I knew what they did!

Our school is aiming to break apart the subject silos and look to amplify the natural connections between these. So, we have no Department structures. The specialised learning leaders are a group of 4 of us that oversee the curriculum development for all learning areas in the school. This post from my blog describes the curriculum structure we developed:

I just read your post on Enabling Constraints and I was wondering if you could clarify what you mean by subject silos. Do you mean subjects like Maths or English? In your post there was no mention of any of the ‘traditional’ subjects so how do you meet parent expectations for their students and then how do your students get into Uni? Are there curriculum laws that you must meet in NZ?CheersBrenda

Hi Sandy, many things in common, then. I have been teaching at the elementary school , too, for the last 4 years. It’s so nice to work with very young children! They have such a vivid imagination. Perhaps less skillful, but so creative! I enjoy so much to immense into their chaotic sentimental universe.

And I ‘ve also changed many jobs till turning into a teacher, always around technology though. Once I used to be a database engineer, then I did some project management for a couple of years for educational technology projects, then I t here at the elementary school as an ICT and CS teacher and as a mom of two boys 8 and 11 years old. Hope to have time to explore new teaching ideas together,maria

Hello everyone, my name is Emily (21) and I reside in Missouri with my wonderful husband, fun and outgoing with inspiration to learn and improve myself. I was in LCL one and was too shy to participate. I am currently a personal aide for my sister in law, soon to be an office manger for a St. I am excited to find that this course is offered again for free and expect to learn as much I am able. I have been enjoying reading all of your introductions and can’t wait for this course!

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