An overview of display screen Readers – by winner Tsaran

An overview of display screen Readers – by winner Tsaran


Winner Tsaran, a dynamic GAWDS associate doing work for Yahoo! speaks all of us through just how he utilizes a screen-reader. For people who are a new comer to accessibility, a screen audience is actually software that will help a visually reduced computers consumer gain access to display material. It operates by reading this content and handles available on the page returning to an individual. Hmmm, I’ll let winner clarify it.

I have in addition simply recieved some video from David Colven at Ace middle It reveals Peter Harris, one of the heart’s consumers, doing a bit of very impressive paintings using single important presses. I pointed out this within my weblog a few weeks back. We’ll place it up whenever I’ve had a chance to ‘youtube’ it.

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