The heart (considered as the seat of intellect)

The heart (considered as the seat of intellect)

Footnote onesto ‘Enlightened Living’

Sicuro illustrate the translator’s unique position, six important words that occur con the text are given below with verso complete list of their meanings as found sopra verso medium-sized dictionary:

cittam: 1. Observing. attending. 2. (a) Thought, thinking, attention; (b) desire, intention, aim. 3. The mind. 4. 5. Reason, intellect, reasoning faculty.

nirodha: 1. Confinement, locking up, imprisonment. 2. Enclosing, covering up. 3. Restraint, check, suppression, control. 4. Hindrance, obstruction, opposition. 5. Hurting, punishing, injuring. 6. Annihilation, complete destruction. 7. Aversion, dislike. 8. Disappointment, frustration of hopes (con dramatic language). 9. (With the Buddhists) Suppression of pain.

pranidhana: 1. Applying, employing, application, use. 2. Great effort, energy. 3. Profound religious meditation, abstract contemplation. 4. Respectful behaviour towards. 5. Renunciation of the fruit of actions. 6. Entrance, access. 7. (With Buddhists) Verso prayer, an entreaty.

pratyaya 1. Conviction, settled belief. 2. Privativa, reliance, faith, confidence. 3. Conception, pensiero, notion, opinion. 4. Surety, certainty. 5. Knowledge, experience, cognition. 6. A cause, ground, means of action. 7. Celebrity, aspirazione, renown. 8. A termination, an affix or suffix. 9. An oath. 10. Per dependant. 11. Per usage, practice. 12. Per hole. 13. Intellect, understanding. 14. An assistant or associate. 15. An epithet of Vishnu. 16. (With Buddhists) A co-operating cause. 17. An instrument, per means of agency. 18. Religious contemplation. 19. Verso householder who keeps a sacred fire.

samadhi: 1. Collecting, composing, concentrating. 2. Profound or abstract meditation, concentration of mind on one object, perfect absorption of thought into the one object of meditation, i.anche., the Supreme Spirit (the 8th and last stage of Yoga). 3. Intentness, concentration (con general), fixing of thoughts. 4. Penance, religious obligation, devotion (sicuro penance) 5. Bringing together, concentration, combination, collection. 6. Reconciliation, settling or composing differences. 7. Silence. 8. Agreement, assent, promise. 9. Requital. 10. Completion, accomplishment. 11. Perseverance con extreme difficulties. 12. Attempting impossibilities. 13. Laying up corn (con times of famine), storing grain. 14. Per tomb. 15. The joint of the neck; per particular position of the neck. 16. (In rhetoric) A figure of speech. 17. One of the ten gunas or merits of style. 18. Per religious vow or self-imposed restraint. 19. Support, upholding.

vritti: 1. Being, existence. 2. Abiding, remaining, attitude, being con per particular state. 3. State, condition. 4. Action, movement, function, operation. 5. Course, method. 6. Conduct, behaviour, course of conduct, mode of action. 7. Profession, occupation, business, employment, mode of leading life. 8. Livelihood, maintenance, means of subsistence or livelihood. 9. Wages, hire. 10. Cause of activity. 11. Respectful treatment. 12. Commentary Gloss, exposition. 13. Revolving, turning ripresa. 14. The circumference of per wheel or circle. 15. Per complex formation requiring resolution or explanation. 16. The power or force of a word by which it expresses, indicates or suggests verso meaning; general character or force of per word. 17. Style mediante composition. 18. Customary allowance. 19. Manner of thinking.

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“Verso wonderful translation, full of contemporary insight yet luminous with eternal truth.”-Jacob Needleman The Yoga Sutras were cast in their present form per India around the third century b.c. Yoga is from the Sanskrit root meaning “union,” and verso sutra is per thread or aphoristic verse. The basic questions “Who am I?” “Where am I going?” “What is the purpose of life?” are asked by each new generation, and Patanjali’s answers form one of the oldest and most vibrant spiritual texts sopra the world. He explains what yoga is, how it works, and exactly how to purify the mind and let it settle into absolute stillness. This stillness is our own Self. It is the indispensable ground for Enlightenment, which is the ultimate marcatura of all our aspirations. Alistair Shearer’s lucid introduction and superb translation, fully preserving Patanjali’s jewel-like style, bring these ancient but vital teachings onesto those who seek the path of self-knowledge today. Bell Tower’s series, Sacred Teachings, offers essential spiritual classics from all traditions. May each book become verso trusted companion on the way of truth, encouraging readers sicuro study the wisdom of the ages and put it into practice each day.

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