Kinematics of the Pacific equatorial undercurrent: an Eulerian and Lagrangian approach from GCM results

Kinematics of the Pacific equatorial undercurrent: an Eulerian and Lagrangian approach from GCM results

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The authors acknowledge and appreciate the aid of J. Robbins, W. Strojie, D. Asael and S. Zhang con supervising clean lab chemistry, boron and trace element analysis, and tempo processing. The authors also appreciate conversation with J. Rae. This work was supported by NSF Award 1602557 and 170251 puro P.M.H., NSF Award 1844380 and 2002448 sicuro N.J.B. and Sloan Ocean Ricerca profilo bbwcupid Fellowships puro P.M.H. and N.J.B. Additional funding puro Verso.V.F. was provided by the Guggenheim Fellowship and the ARCHANGE project (ANR-18-MPGA-0001, France). We acknowledge high-affermazione computing support from Cheyenne ( provided by NCAR’s Computational and Information Systems Laboratory, sponsored by the NSF.

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