3 The Most Important Skills Are Negotiation and Self-Esteem

3 The Most Important Skills Are Negotiation and Self-Esteem

There are message boards for the men who use our brothels, and the guys on there would say they didn’t want to “date” a winner because that must mean “she’s having too much sex

Sometimes a client will come in and not have a clear idea of what he wants. In that case, the girls on duty will get in a line-up and let the client pick. I got picked the first time I ever went out, and initially I took it as a compliment — but then I learned many of the regulars go straight for the new girls. First-timers don’t know how to haggle, and haggling is the most important skill for a professional prostitute.

I was always scared to ask for big money, because honestly . I know me, and I just feel like a regular girl. I’m not some kind of supernaturally good lover or anything. I was one of the bigger girls there, and I’d wonder, “How can I ask for the same amount of money as all my skinny-ass co-workers?”

In that way, prostitution was actually good for my self-esteem. I came into the business with a lot of body-image issues, and previous webcam work only made those worse. You think cat-calling construction workers are bad? Look at the shit men on the Internet post when they’ve seen a part of your naked body. But the guys at the brothel were always very complimentary, and clearly happy to be with me. It illustrated the large gap between “how women look in magazines” and “what guys actually want.”

I had a friend who did really well. She was, like, 10 to 12 years younger than I am and would consistently book huge amounts. I finally asked her how she did it, and she told me, “You have to go in there and believe you’re worth it.” And while I’m not sure if I ever got to that point, I at least learned how to fake it.

2 It’s a Mundane Work Environment

Remember on The Office when Michael Scott handed out pointless awards to all his employees? That exists in the world of whoring. There’s an official group who picks a “Best Legal Courtesan” every year. There’s also a “Best Brothel of the Year” award that looks like this:

You know how Borat brags about his sister being the second-best prostitute in Kazakhstan? As you can imagine, there wasn’t a lot of jockeying for the “best hooker” award. ” It’s the fucking Mobius strip of double-standards.

We had meetings every week — they called them “tea parties,” but it was us sitting down with management and talking about numbers. They’d set sales goals for us, tell us how we should be marketing ourselves — we were even required to spend (unpaid) time online in our brothel’s forums, talking to the kind of people who visit a brothel’s forums.

Here’s a photo of one such tea party. This is exactly what it looked like, not a marketing shot at all (I saw this picture and had flashbacks). I’m not in the photo — but some of my former co-workers are. The reason those girls are in funny hats is because they do a raffle at every tea party. What, the word “raffle” isn’t the first thing you think of when you hear “brothel”?

There’s plenty of good old-fashioned office in-fighting, too. There’s a fancy parlor area in the front, and the rooms get https://hookupdate.net/tr/habbo-inceleme/ progressively shittier as you move further from the “showroom.” Girls who were money-makers got nice rooms near the front with private bathrooms. But if you weren’t booking enough clients, you got shifted to a punishment room with just a sink.

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