Due to an absence of yin or feminine energies, there is an imbalance in the polarity of this relationship

Due to an absence of yin or feminine energies, there is an imbalance in the polarity of this relationship

Two headstrong partners should allow each partner a time where they take the lead. By sharing the lead position in the relationship, each partner ensures fairness reigns.

If there’s no balance in relationship power, one partner might railroad the other in an epic struggle. The couple can improve interactions by allowing a fifty-fifty view of power to exist. Happiness will elude the Aquarius and Aquarius pairing absent of power-sharing tactics.

Aquarius and Aquarius Aspects

Aquarius and Aquarius are matching signs, so, they are conjunct. When two signs in the zodiac are conjunct, it means there’s no distance between signs on the zodiac wheel. When two people are born under the same sign, it is as if they reflect one another. The act of one Aquarius loving another is equal to an act of self-love. If the individual is someone who has a keen sense of self-love and acceptance, then they can give the same to a partner. The ability to embrace someone of the same sign is easier because of empathy.

Often, conjunct signs in relationships lead to parties viewing each as soul mates. The Aquarius and Aquarius love match result in the meeting of kindred spirits. Those of like-mind hold the relationship connection together. The relationship thrives if room for independence is in place. If the relationship is so close it becomes smothering, it can throw a bucket of cold water on the fires of passion.

A problem might arise if the Aquarian has issues with self-love or self-acceptance. When a person dislikes him or herself, they will find the same attributes annoying in another. Sometimes, where self-love is absent, the other partner can inspire self-acceptance.

Aquarius and Aquarius Elements

The person born under the Aquarius sign is also an Air Sign. This might confuse some when the person is born under the sign of the Water-bearer. The influence of the air sign aligns with the high intellect of the male and female Aquarian. Its influence is also in the Aquarius-born’s love of conversation. Those born under this air-ruled sign also love learning and independence.

Under the influence of the air, the Aquarius and Aquarius pairing is spontaneous. The couple will express a shared love of learning, and a desire for excitement. Think what happens when air stops moving: It stagnates. The Aquarius pairing grows stale if it loses its action-oriented vibe. To ensure Aquarius and Aquarius compatibility, things need to stay fresh.

Now think what happens to air if there is too much movement. Massive change and upheaval results if the parties become too flighty. If the Aquarian partners take things for granted, commitment is impossible. Too much air influence in the relationship leads to communication difficulties. It also leads to scattered energies.

Air sign people are brainy, so a focus is more on intellect and less on emotion. Weighing heavy on the side of intellect leads to complications. This is true if the situation calls for an emotional response versus one of intellect. Two Aquarians will need to learn to balance intellect with emotion. It will ensure everyone gets fair treatment. It will hinge reviews also diminish the likelihood of hurt feelings.

Aquarius Man and Aquarius Woman Compatibility

The Aquarius Man is a soul epitomizing the archetype of The Fool in the Tarot. He is a risk-taker and adventurer. He lives his life as if he is forever on the journey of the hero. His fearless attitude is appealing to the aloof Aquarius woman. She is one who demands a warrior attitude from her man. She expects him to fill a larger-than-life role of hero. Being a risk taker who enjoys new challenges, the Aquarius man has no trouble living up to the role.

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